Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Catching Up

It has been a while since I have really written anything significant for this blog. Mostly, I have just been filling it with pictures and hoping that they would speak for themselves, but I think that some reflection is in order.

Life has been moving fast lately. I have been increasing my hours at work, and that has been hard on Malcolm. He does not really accept my being away on Fridays well, and that has made having less time off even harder on me, but I think that we are starting to adjust. I may send him to his nursery school on Fridays soon, and that may help. He is so nurtured and loved there and I think that he really needs time with other children now.

Malcolm is also learning all kinds of new things. My favorite thing is that he has started nursing his teddy bear from time to time. I have not been able to catch on camera yet, but one day I will and then I think that I will send it in to Mothering magazine for all the world to see because it is too darn adorable. However, I must mention that he is not fond of me trying to nursing his teddy bears that results in a lot of jealousy.

I have attached a little picture of him a few weeks ago. I was getting his bath water ready for him so he could take his bath in the little basin, and his Daddy called me to ask a question. When I turned around Malcolm had climbed on in clothes and all and was washing his sock! I thought it was pretty funny and that I would share it with you all. We have not had many adventures lately, still recovering from October, but we are moving so there is much commotion on the homefront.