Friday, June 22, 2007

I can not believe that it has been year since I started this blog, and life has been full of those full circle moments. Malcolm has been doing so many new things. He just knows and understands so many things it is pretty unbelievable to me. Of course, to me, everything is still miraculous as if no other child has ever done the things that Malcolm has but of course I think that is just part of mamahood.

Malcolm is in love with cars right now, and anything else with wheels. We did not program him that way, but that is just how he is right now. He loves to watch the cars from his car seat, and Anna has a toy car that he plays in when he is at her house that he never wants to leave. Everytime we go to the grocery store we have to put him in one of the car grocery carts because if he so much as sees one he only wants to ride in it. Anna says that she has observed that some of these gender things just seem to be innate as well like the little girl toddler she knows that just gravitates to pink.

Malcolm has many passions right now but his main ones are being outside and anything with wheels. He is very active. He runs around telling everyone " Hi" and flashing that melt-your-heart smile. I am told almost everywhere I go that he is the most adorable baby, and I have to say that I totally agree but he is growing into a little boy so fast!

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