Friday, September 05, 2008

We have been harvesting lately

On top-apple picking with Auggie across the street from our house. Our neighbor said we could take as many as we wanted, and we were dreaming of apple sauce.

The bottom picture-Berry Picking at Sauvie Island just before the naptime crash.

This summer has been all about food, picking berries on Sauvie's Island, making jam and tomato sauce from our harvest, and apple picking. I have fallen in love with hanging out in the sunshine watching my Boo go around naked or half naked munching on whatever he could find growing. It has made Malcolm's body healthier and has been better for my spirit.

We are also going through lots of transitions now. I have taken a job at Mountain Valley, his nursery school that I have mentioned earlier in this blog, and left the African Women's Coalition. Now I get spend a lot more time with Malcolm, and get to teach children in a loving community environment builds community and heals some of the pain of living in such an individualistic society.

I love spending this time with the children and giving Malcolm this opportunity to has such a supportive village experience, but there are a lot of adjustments as he gets used to me in his space and I get used to being an absolutely full time mom.

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