Thursday, October 16, 2008

Learning a Little Bit About Community Service

On Tuesday, the last day of our weekend, Malcolm and I uprooted the collards and kale that had been planted in the spring, and took three big garbage bags full to the Oregon Food Bank, and one big garbage bag full to Mountain Valley. You all should have seen the size of the worms that came up in our little plot. We still have lots of yummy collards and broccoli in our back yard, but it was definitely time to rejuvenate our side garden bed.

We donated 31 lbs of produce to the Oregon Food Bank, and the children at the school got to have collards in all their lunches for the rest of the week at Mountain Valley. I am so excited that he loves eating things that he sees growing all the time.

Sometimes, I hear doubts from other parents that Malcolm can understand all the things that I explain to him, but I think that children understand far more than we give them credit for and I can tell by our conversations that he gets most of it. We are entering an age where we are beginning to have really exciting conversations, on a simple levels, but about an amazing range of topics about our world.

On the trip to the Food Bank, I explained to him that our family had some really hard times when it was very difficult for us to afford food, especially good food and that many people helped us so, now when we have extra food we want to share with others who need help like we did. I left it at that. We dropped off the food and went home for nap.

Here is a picture of the inside of the food bank where we dropped stuff off.

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