Saturday, September 06, 2008

Malcolm's Cutest Kid in the Universe Pic

I am really going to send this picture into the parenting magazine I get. They have a cutest kid in the universe section every issue, and I have been waiting for just the right picture for my Boo to make his debut, and here it is! You just can't beat this in terms of silliness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are awfully cute and this is an unbiased comment from your grandma! The photos of you in the hospital broke my heart and I absolutely know what your parents were experiencing. I know you won't know until you have children of your own. Anyway you are the most amazing little guy and I love you lots.

By the way, the photo of you and your dad at the Obama rally is terrific. I wish I could have been with you, mama and daddy malcolm. I miss you grandson, Grandma.